Tuesday 26 April 2011

Trace Walton Blog 26/04/2011

Maturity comes with age, but wisdom comes from a higher power. Jesus wasn’t born a Baptist, Pentecostal, Mormon, Catholic or Protestant etc and it is highly unlikely that he was a thirty three year old virgin and yet in the eyes of man he was never married and regarded as such. Arguing about religion in the first place is to many, an immature pastime because of too many differences and too many beliefs etc. But arguing about sex before marriage and condemning those to hell who have done it, well that is just plain stupid. I have many friends, including myself, that have been lifetime scholars of the bible and even they agree that no man can condemn anyone to hell, and no one can buy their way into Heaven. The very reason that we live, is simply to love our creator, multiply our kind and in turn create a better world in which we live in. What are your thoughts on this?
I’m Trace Walton and this is my Blog.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Trace's Blog 17/04/11


The question of the day is this. Were civilizations of the past as advanced and as knowledgeable as those that we have today? I have a tendency to think so.
I believe in devolution rather than evolution and I’ll tell you why? Scientist try to tell you that we all came from a single cell amoeba and over millions or billions of years we evolved into the intelligent multi-celled creature that we are today. They provide the evidence by saying that this animal changed into that animal, which changed into this other animal. Then they throw out lots of diagrams and charts and expect us to believe it all.
The thing here is this. The first animal still exists today, the same as it did all those millions or billions of years ago. The second one and the third do as well, in fact if you look around, you will find real evidence in the everyday creatures that haven’t been killed off by man yet.
Monkeys are supposed to part of our evolution. How could that be? If creatures are evolving all of the time, how is it that they are still here in their original form? Why didn’t all monkeys evolve into human beings? Birds, bees, alligators and crocodiles and the list goes on. Sorry, but there is no such thing as evolution, it was a lie paid for by the state as a way to take control away from the church. But that’s another story.

I’m Trace Walton, and this is my blog.

Monday 11 April 2011

My New Friend

On this blog I will be introducing you to some gemstone and crystals, their healing properties and uses. I would like to also introduce you to some crystals I have in my own personal collection. All my personal crystals are bought for me by Trace but we always choose them together to make sure they have the right “feel” to bring into our home. It is possible for instance to find two pieces of amethyst (which is a good all-rounder) but one will call to you more than the other. This is the same with all crystals.  Don’t worry if you are purchasing for someone else, take a moment, clear your mind and see the person you are buying for in your mind’s eye and ask which crystal would be good for them, and the crystal will reveal themselves.   Crystals for Trace and I is a passion we share, so we enjoy going out or scanning the internet, and seeking crystals together.
The first crystal I want to introduce you to is a new addition to our family. She is a truly beautiful Selenite Angel Mountain, and I have named her Jophiel, after jophiel the Angel of Enlightenment. These crystals are also known as known as Selenite Cathedrals, Selenite Pillars or Selenite Towers. She stands at about 17cms by 7cms wide, with a beautiful Cathedral top.  Selenite is beautifully translucent and seems to glow when placed in sunlight or in the case of Jophiel’s photos a light box. I took many photos during the complete cycle of colour change to show you, but she looks equally if not more angelic on a stand of pure white light. They have an ethereal quality and illuminated in an evening they look like they are made from a mixture of pure white smoke and icing sugar, and it is a truly wonderful experience to sit and just gaze at their beauty.
Selenite Qualities
Selenite instils a deep sense of peace, and is a pure link to the light body, and is one of the most powerful crystals for the “new vibration” on earth. It will help open paths to the Angelic realms and encourage communication with your angels. Selenite can be used to form a grid of protection around your home, and will create a quiet, safe and peaceful place that does not allow outside influences in. They should be place inside the four corners of your home and not be allowed to come into contact with any water as these delicate creatures will dissolve, although a very light spray of crystal cleansing essence will do them no harm, my preferred cleansing method of Jophiel is placing her in the moonlight or in the sun’s rays for a while.
Selenite aligns the spinal column (we didn’t know this when we chose Jophiel, she obviously felt she was needed in our home for Trace) and promotes flexibility. It neutralises poisonous mercury, i.e. dental amalgam, and free radicals. Selenite also is a strong nurturer and is ideal for those with a new baby; it will calm you both at feeding time and will promote a calm approach to growth.
We will shortly be stocking a few Selenite Angel Mountains on our web site and also light boxes, so watch this space. You can always email me with your enquires at Shamaiya@mail.com. I will be pleased to help.

Blessings Sharon

Saturday 9 April 2011

Trace's Blog 10/04/11

There are a lot of people wondering about 2012 these days, along with a greater interest in ancient civilizations, long lost cultures and people of different origins and nationalities etc. I've always loved my history and the further back I go, the more interesting it all seems to become. For instance, scientists have recently found that the earth’s population dwindled down to less than ten thousand people during the last ice age. If this science is true, then the entire population of the world today is related to the nth degree, unless of course you subscribe to the notion that human beings have been transplanted from other worlds and placed here on earth periodically. After all, why are there so many differences in so many races, and I'm not just talking about skin colour or blood type.

Science has also recently unearthed humanoid skeletons with elongated skulls that when living, stood at least 9 feet tall. Could one of these have been the Goliath that David slew in the bible or, was it as some others believe simply an alien race that visited our world some twenty five or thirty thousand years ago. If that was the case, where did they go?

Atlantis and Lemuria were civilizations that were in existence over fourteen thousand years ago, six thousand years after the last ice age and yet their civilisations are reputed to have been some of the greatest civilizations in the world to date. Did they get to a point in their technology, where we humans have gotten to ourselves? We’re they as knowledgeable and as advanced as we are now?

I’m Trace Walton, and this is some of what I plan to write about. I hope that you’ll join me and add your own opinions as we continue along this journey of enlightenment. Thank you.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

New Blog Page

I would like to introduce you to my husband, who is a truly gifted writer, singer and guitarist, currently working on several new novels as well as short stories and articles that span a wide range of topics. We plan this to be a treasure trove of thoughts and information with a little humour sprinkled on top for good measure. It will cover many diverse subject's, some of which will include crystals and gemstones, crystal legends, stories, verse, healing, chakras and life in general. So be sure to subscribe, and join us on what promises to be a blog roller coaster ride.  I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope you are too,

Peace and blessings