Tuesday 26 April 2011

Trace Walton Blog 26/04/2011

Maturity comes with age, but wisdom comes from a higher power. Jesus wasn’t born a Baptist, Pentecostal, Mormon, Catholic or Protestant etc and it is highly unlikely that he was a thirty three year old virgin and yet in the eyes of man he was never married and regarded as such. Arguing about religion in the first place is to many, an immature pastime because of too many differences and too many beliefs etc. But arguing about sex before marriage and condemning those to hell who have done it, well that is just plain stupid. I have many friends, including myself, that have been lifetime scholars of the bible and even they agree that no man can condemn anyone to hell, and no one can buy their way into Heaven. The very reason that we live, is simply to love our creator, multiply our kind and in turn create a better world in which we live in. What are your thoughts on this?
I’m Trace Walton and this is my Blog.

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Blessings from Shamaiya.