Sunday 17 April 2011

Trace's Blog 17/04/11


The question of the day is this. Were civilizations of the past as advanced and as knowledgeable as those that we have today? I have a tendency to think so.
I believe in devolution rather than evolution and I’ll tell you why? Scientist try to tell you that we all came from a single cell amoeba and over millions or billions of years we evolved into the intelligent multi-celled creature that we are today. They provide the evidence by saying that this animal changed into that animal, which changed into this other animal. Then they throw out lots of diagrams and charts and expect us to believe it all.
The thing here is this. The first animal still exists today, the same as it did all those millions or billions of years ago. The second one and the third do as well, in fact if you look around, you will find real evidence in the everyday creatures that haven’t been killed off by man yet.
Monkeys are supposed to part of our evolution. How could that be? If creatures are evolving all of the time, how is it that they are still here in their original form? Why didn’t all monkeys evolve into human beings? Birds, bees, alligators and crocodiles and the list goes on. Sorry, but there is no such thing as evolution, it was a lie paid for by the state as a way to take control away from the church. But that’s another story.

I’m Trace Walton, and this is my blog.

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Blessings from Shamaiya.